
2018 Fundraising so far!

Fantastic results so far, for 2018, a massive thank you to all our supporters:

May - Our final total of donations received for May has now been totalled and is a massive £2491.81 😀 😀 😀 😀 so added together with the final total from April (£357.48) this means our total to carry forward to the end of Junes Summer Fundraiser is an absolutely amazing £2849.29

April - Our final total of donations for April is an amazing £357.48 this includes £17.64 carried over from March, less the £75.00 donation for March, we gave the remaining 6 Rescues a donation.

March - The final total for March has just been updated, total donations this month are a fabulous £392.64 this includes £2.61 carried over from February.

February - Total is £452.61 this includes £59.71 carried over from January. So we have enough to give 6 of our Rescues a donation of £75.00 🙂 🙂 with £2.61 to carry over to March


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