Pandora The Box Bunny reached Her new Home Yesterday :):)

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Re: Can anyone help this poor bunny

Post by Orange »

kermit wrote:Been an update on this over on RU. Bun had the offer of a home but it never worked out. Hopefully things can get sorted one way or another for this little one.
I have been following this poor bun's story. I'm very pleased she has been rescued. It is a great shame the offer of a home did not work out in the end.
Little Man
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Re: Can anyone help this poor bunny

Post by Little Man »

Very happy the bun is out of immediate danger :) .

Shame the offer fell through, sounds like a misunderstanding.

Hope everything can get sorted, for the bun's sake and for everybody's sake ;)
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Re: Can anyone help this poor bunny

Post by suzibunbun »

Orange wrote:
kermit wrote:Been an update on this over on RU. Bun had the offer of a home but it never worked out. Hopefully things can get sorted one way or another for this little one.
I have been following this poor bun's story. I'm very pleased she has been rescued. It is a great shame the offer of a home did not work out in the end.
From day 1 I have said I would be happy to take on this poor bunny, nothing changed from my end, Happybunny22000 said she was happy for me to take her as I can support her financially and have appropriate accommodation for her, it's Happybunny who has changed her mind, goodness knows why when there was a 100% genuine offer of a loving home offered by me. Thinking only of this little bunny who would be warm, safe and loved by now had this not been farcical.
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Re: Can anyone help this poor bunny

Post by Orange »

suzibunbun wrote:
Orange wrote:
kermit wrote:Been an update on this over on RU. Bun had the offer of a home but it never worked out. Hopefully things can get sorted one way or another for this little one.
I have been following this poor bun's story. I'm very pleased she has been rescued. It is a great shame the offer of a home did not work out in the end.
From day 1 I have said I would be happy to take on this poor bunny, nothing changed from my end, Happybunny22000 said she was happy for me to take her as I can support her financially and have appropriate accommodation for her, it's Happybunny who has changed her mind, goodness knows why when there was a 100% genuine offer of a loving home offered by me. Thinking only of this little bunny who would be warm, safe and loved by now had this not been farcical.
As I said, where you have quoted, it is a great shame that your offer of a home was rejected in the end. I can understand your frustration and disappointment. I have re-read all the posts, on here, RU and facebook and I'm not sure why any doubt or problem arose with your offer.
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Re: Can anyone help this poor bunny

Post by suzibunbun »

Neither do I - it's a great shame for this bunny and if an urgent home was not needed it shouldn't have been asked for. Having been treated and neglected so badly this bun needs the very best. I refuse to be made to feel like the villain here when I only wanted to help a poor little bunny - rescues are overflowing and there's many bunnies needing homes so surely it is not acceptable to turn away a loving home with an experienced bunny owner who lives close by? makes no sense
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Re: Can anyone help this poor bunny

Post by Honey61 »

I can understand tensions running high over this situation, but I would ask that 'comments' from other forums are not brought to this one to discuss.
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Re: Can anyone help this poor bunny

Post by happybunny22000 »

Ok Everybody!
As I have said time and time again it is very difficult for me to post properly as my laptop is playing silly beggars and have been doing the best I can from a mobile phone. I have said I will update when I get home tonight but it appears everywhere I have been tonight - every site there have been comments made so allow me to clarify the entire thing.

My sister reported the buns situation to me I believe new years eve, she gave me the details and asked if I could take her even tenporarily as she was concerned. Now that in itself is a very very big step for my sister! I said yes and posted everywhere as I needed to know I had backup as I cannot offer a long term home for this bun! I have said this from day one - this hs not changed. I was made aware from day one she is very long haired which makes it a no-no for me in my outdoor set up and the time I lack for over-grooming. I also do not have the money should she have needed dentals or worse! Given I did not know what to expect I was tbh overwhelmed and slightly terrified. Due to my sisters nature and the friends nature I had to tread very carefully!

During this time- (I wont bore you with my lifes woes) I had (and have) alot going on (as most of us do)! Suzibunbun kindly offered a home as she was local, and I accepted as she was collecting and I thought we could chat etc before I gave the bunny over. In all honesty I was up the wall and wasn't even thinking straight. Alot of people messaged me but from my phone I am limited with what I can do and how much I can do.

The Girl who works nights did not reply - and I culd not mither my sister anymore than I was dong for fear shed say forget it and she had the same reservations about the girl. So whilst i went on and on at her - there were times I had to stop. Finally I text the girl myself claiming to be my sister with a sob story. She replied on tuesday saying she was off wednesday! Meanwhile Suzibunbun in numerous places had stated how inconvenient it was that the bun couldnt be picked up sooner as she was now back at work. As I had stated in my update on the bun - my only concern at this stage was getting the bun - and getting her any way possible that was safe! If that took longer then so-be-it! I did not appreciate the lack of empathy for the attempts I was trying to make to speed things up - or the fact that I too work full time and was doing all of this as well as. I grew concerened that I heard nothing back from suzibunbun other than this statement! No updates regarding the home she could be offered and as I do not know her personally grew uneasy. As I stated at the time on this thread - I wanted to get the bun - which was proving harder than first thought and take it from there!

The next thing I know a transport request has gone up on another site! This was done without my permission! As most of you will know I have a few issues one of which is meeting new people. To meet suzibunbun to begin with and chat about the setup -home offered etc and hand a bunny over for me was terrifying - to have a request without my knowlege or permission (given how I wanted to meet the lady in person who I was handing the bun over as I couldnt ask what i needed to at the time) really to be honest upset me! The whole post annoyed me but wont drag that on to here.

I text to say I was collecting bun yesterady and received no reply. Given that I was told Suzibunbun could not collect herself, and the transport request (that I technically should have known nothing about as i wasnt even told about it let alone asked about it) had no replied, and the fact that I had had no reply led me to assume this home had fallen through. I was also made aware that in the past some of suzibunbuns bunnies had gone to other rescues - this I did not want. I was also concerned by a thread elsewhere not just asking for help but expertese in such a matter - I could do that myself - ideally I want her to go to an experienced home with neglected buns! I was led to believe by this thread that this would not be the case.

I made a post stating that as of yet no definite home had been set up, I had collected the bunny and posted on FB the pics of what a state she was in. It completely shocked me as I myself despite having rescued a bun a while ago, have never dealt with such a matt! With help online from a friend - I spent all night removing it bit by bit! I have done something simolar with Crunchie who had Myxi so am no novice at bathing and remong - but I am by no means an expert!

At work this morning from my phone I fine - what I felt was a very nasty response from Suzibunbun and stated as such.

All I had said prior to this was that I was in no dire rush to rehome her tomorrow as she has a fairly sizeable temp set up - but one I do not feel (personally) is adequate long term - not least beacuse im not supposed to have indoor pets. I stated the above and that I was concerned for all the above reasons and the fact I couldnt meet her in person Suzibunbun may not have been the right home. At no stage did I say it was a definitive answer just how I felt last night.

The response in my opinion to me just made recoil! I am not repeating it as its not relevent!

I have in no way shape or form been argumentative or tried to make anyone feel bad at the end of the day all I want is what I feel - as her carer - is the best option for her! I do not like how things have gone on - or the comments made towards me or the way I have handled the situation. yes it may have been handled better - But I know I have done what I could, given the tools I had, and tried to do whats best for the bunny.

As the situation now stands - I am looking for a home still for this precious bunny. I am looking for someone who can provide details of set-ups, and experience with such buns, amongst orther things, as well as someone who I either know (or feel I know) or who have had recommendations from - again from people I know and trust! At the end of the day as with any resue of any kind at the moment she is my responsibility and her future is my decision - I am only trying to do whats best for this bun - I am happy to accept advise but at the end of the day (unless im doing somethig unthinkable) I would expect (as would anyone) to receive a certain level of respect for whatever decision I make!!

I hope this clarifies everything for everyone!!
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Re: Can anyone help this poor bunny

Post by suzibunbun »

Thank you for clarifying your point of view on this matter - can we now move forward and start again - i am offering once more the opportunity for this bun to have a happy and healthy life with me and my family plus our 13 buns. I can support her financially and emotionally as i have the experience of all the rescue buns in my care and the time to do so. She deserves the best after what she has been through as do all buns. i am happy for you to come and visit my home and see my garden set up if you wish, i have had home checks previously, my buns are all neutered and vaccinated and healthy, I have a long haired bun in my care who you have seen pictures of as she is on the PAP calendar for June, i have also had a bunny with a matted bottom now all sorted. Very briefly the 2 buns that were rehomed to rainbow rabbits were an unexpected emergency taken on by me, as they were older buns and one with a disability, i felt they needed specialist care and Liz kindly offered to take them both as she had space at the time - although I miss both girls terribly I felt it was what was best for them that was important at that time as i have full respect for Liz and what she and Steve do and knew they would be well cared for. One of my buns is deaf and blind so I do have a knowledge of her care requirements. I can't say anymore than that. I am sorry if you have had problems and misunderstood things but I have never changed my mind about having this bunny, I was just trying to make suitable arrangements and trying to prepare in advance which is admirable as far as i am concerned, I was not trying to go behind your back, why would I? I will be at work tomorrow but will be free this weekend if that helps. Sue
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Re: Can anyone help this poor bunny

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

A lot of people including myself have been following the story of this bunny, but it's been unfolding in so many places and I think that's where the problem lies, there seems to have been a lot of misunderstanding between everyone. Until last night I thought she was going to a rescue.

Dom now you've explained on here i think it would be better if you kept the updates in one place so we all know what's happening rather than on different forums and FB. I'll leave it up to you to choose where you would like to do this.

I really hope this bunny finds the loving home it deserves :x
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Re: Can anyone help this poor bunny

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

I think the best thing to do now is for Happybunny and Suzibunbun to discuss this via email or pm to decide what is going to happen and then update us with their decision :)
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