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Halfpenny update.

Posted: 15 Apr 2021 19:43
by Halfpenny
Hi, sorry for the radio silence, it’s been a struggle recently with the weather finally seeming to improve and the ice disappearing a month or so ago after many cold mornings, frozen hoses and ice or thick mud in the fields/ yard.
We had a fantastic few weeks where it was warm, breezy which meant the mud dried up and, of course, the days got longer. I had a couple of weeks off which meant I could catch up on routine jobs like nail trims and grooming.
The weather then reverted to more snow, ice and wind, which I will confess was really depressing but it’s warming up again now and spring is on the way. Our swallows usually arrive on the 19/ 20th of April and it’s our real sign the spring has arrived.
Our other big news is that Mike ( other half of Halfpenny, a farthing, I guess) is retiring at the end of this month to focus more on helping at the sanctuary. He’ll deal more with the large animals, which means I can focus more on the small ones and birds. I’m so excited as it’s been a real slog for the last year.
We both got our covid injections on Monday which knocked me for 6, but I’m delighted to have it.
So we haven’t taken in too many animals as no space, time or finances- 4 cockerels and 2 rats.
Dusty Springfield, the lovely dental rabbit we took in had her incisors removed today, the poor girl is sore but it means she will be able to eat better. Her hind teeth are pretty atrocious too so we need to keep an eye on them, but for now the main thing is to get her through the op and eating again. She’s only 10 months old, had 2 ops already, still needs to be spayed and will possibly face years of dentals. We will do our best to give her the best we can. It now means we have 3 bunnies in need of regular dental work.
Things are ticking along quietly, we had a huge drop in donations after Christmas, but I think everywhere has.
Hopefully, the vaccine will allow people to get back to their jobs and start living life as they did before Covid.
Hope you are all good and keeping safe.