Rabbits get depression just like humans

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Rabbits get depression just like humans

Post by sdf76 »

Today is World Mental Health Day, and it is just as important to look after your rabbits’ mental health as it is your own.
Did you know that rabbits can get depression just like us?

There are many causes of stress in rabbits, such as being kept alone, getting bored and being kept in confined spaces and small hutches.
But while there are many causes, there are many fun and easy solutions to keep your rabbits happy.

Do you have a favourite idea for keeping your rabbit(s) happy?

sue :)
Coco my 13yr old (bridge) bunny
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Re: Rabbits get depression just like humans

Post by Foofy »

I quite agree with you on this one Sue. Earlier this year when my elderly bunny Peter hopped over the Rainbow Bridge, he left his wifebun Ruby on her own and I firmly believe she grieved and went into a depression as she was left on her own for a while. I have now bonded her with Stevie who I adopted from Southampton Rabbit Rescue, she is a completely different bunny now :-) her appetite was poor when she was on her own but you should see her now it is much improved, she loves Stevie so much, and now binkies when she's out in the run. She decided she was going to be the dominant bunny with Stevie and he doesn't mind, she helps him a lot I believe as he's blind, I am sure that Ruby knows there is something different about him <3 so I would say the best way to help keep your bunnies happy is to bond them with another bunny <3
Imagenew sig by Sue Gibson, on Flickr
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