A chance to win a £20 Hay Experts voucher

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A chance to win a £20 Hay Experts voucher

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

Would you like a chance to win a £20 Hay Experts voucher, a Pledge a Pound pen and car stickers?

Have you adopted or fostered a rescue bunny?

If the answer is yes, all you have to do is share your story with us, just simply post on this thread (or start a new topic), all entries must be submitted by the last day of June, a winner will be announced the first week in July :) Don't forget we like to see photos too :)
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Re: A chance to win a £20 Hay Experts voucher

Post by sdf76 »

my foster bunny Coco aged 11yrs is a shared bunny- my daughter and I decided to take him on as we couldn't rehome him after Kate took him from a pts situation.

He'd had a tough life being abandoned twice then the lady who last took him on became very ill and was about to pts if not rehomed as RSPCA would not take him off her. He had not been let out of a small hutch for 20months being cleaned out once a fortnight when a male relative of hers was able to do so. :( Neither of us were really in a position to take him on but we decided he needed a bit of tlc so decided we would share his care and vet fees, since rehoming a black elderly dental bun with mis-shapen back legs/hip who was aggressive, partially blind and had snuffles proved impossible.

After he had his first dental he was able to graze and he loved the garden with his funny little sideways mini-binkys. He wasn't too happy with his neuter ripping out all the stitches and having to have it redone. He has very unusual shaped teeth which gave a humans a very painful bite :)) -and he hated men. Gradually he became more friendly as he learned we only want to help him.

He developed a huge tumour on his side which was fortunately benign and was successfully removed by our vet under GA. He's a very characterful bunny and was bonded to his wifebun KItty till she died before Xmas last year (aged 10yrs). We don't intend to rebond him considering his age and health problems.

He has mellowed greatly as he has grown older- he no longer lunges at your ankles and I miss that in a funny sort of way :)) . He has a lot of problems at present as he often wees himself causing urine scald and more recently flystrike. In addition to Rearguard (less effective as I have to keep bathing him) he now has Xenex protection too so hopefully that plus the usual regular checking will keep the flies at bay. He has mobility problems exacerbated by recently snapping the cruciate ligament in his knee and is on long term metacam. His appetite is not very good at present either.

I am minding him ( and my daughter's 3 other bunnies) until after she has the baby. He doesn't want to graze today but here's a pic of him on the lawn yesterday, eyeing up Santi :) .

sue :)
Coco my 13yr old (bridge) bunny
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Re: A chance to win a £20 Hay Experts voucher

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

Only one entry so far - are all the rescue bunnies shy :(
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Re: A chance to win a £20 Hay Experts voucher

Post by Apache »

I will be entering, just been really busy, but am off this week, so I'll put something together :)
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Re: A chance to win a £20 Hay Experts voucher

Post by Apache »

I adopted Alfred from the RSPCA on 1st July 2006, I always joke that he choose me, because as soon as I walked in, I knew he was the one for me.

He’d been at the RSPCA for some time as he’d been found in a very poor condition, so poor that he was nearly euthanised, he was also riddled with mites, and still had plums!

The RSPCA had originally named him TJ, but I felt that wasn’t suited to him so renamed him Wizard, then as I watched him over the next few days - he had a hutch with a ramp onto an enclosed area of grass - he wouldn’t venture down the ramp for 24 hours, so I decided Wizard wasn’t quite right either, and then Alfred came to me, which suits him very well.

I tried a few times to get him a wife, but he wouldn’t settle with them and was quite aggressive, so he was separated and temporarily moved into the house.
I was worried be might be frightened, so I decided to sleep in the lounge that first night, then I could keep an eye on him. Alfred then woke me up at 3am sat on my pillow nuzzling my face, I decided he seemed to like it here.

Alfred loved running round the lounge darting from one sofa to the other, binkying in between, and then sitting next to me for cuddles when he’d had enough – or taking up his favorite place stretched out in front of the fire.

He’s at least 7 now, so he doesn’t party like he used to, but he still likes to run around and does little leaps into the air when he gets excited.

Alfred has also trained me well, no matter how deeply he appears to be asleep, he can hear the fridge door open, which means Alfred must have a treat.

Meal time should also be adhered to, and lateness is reprimanded by a quick nip to the ankles, before dashing off to rattle his feed dish.

Alfred has a lovely character, and enjoys being stroked and cuddled, he did give me a bad scare a couple of years ago when he had an abscess in his jaw resulting in one of his teeth being removed, the treatment was intensive and after his surgery he had to go back for injections every other day for 4 weeks. He also couldn’t eat hay for some time, so he was on 4 hourly feeds for 4 weeks too, I was delighted when he made a full recovery, and also quite pleased to switch off my 4am alarm too!

Alfred also views the rug by the fire as “his”, once I had a friend round for a jam, and my friend put his bass guitar down on the rug, Alfred objected to this, sank his teeth into the head of the bass, and attempted to drag it across the floor!

I saved the bass, and luckily my friend decided the teeth marks gave it added mojo!


Alfred in his favorite spot :x
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Re: A chance to win a £20 Hay Experts voucher

Post by Blackberry »

The Boys

I was working at a theme park that had a petting zoo, and even though I had been a 'bunny' person all my life (no teddies, just bunnies, lots of bunny themed ornaments, clothes etc) I had never wanted the responsibility of being a pet owner - much preferred helping with the family pets rather than being solely responsible myself! Even working with loads of bunnies all day didn't make me want one, however cute they were, until I saw Blackberry.

I went into work one day, and someone had dropped off a box with 4 nethies in - one youngster and 3 babies of approx. 8 weeks. They had been temporarily house in a guinea pig cage as all the sheds were in use. The tiniest baby stretched up the bars and demanded I took him home! Well, ok, he stretched up the bars and wanted attention, but it was like he was asking to be taken home.

I picked him up, fell in love, and took his photo. Went home that evening, showed the pic of him and the others to the family, and they agreed I should bring him and one of the others home. But how do you choose???? I wanted them all (as you do...) so I took all four home on the pretext of getting them sexed at the vets, and then deciding who would be kept with Blackberry (as I had named him). I'd already chosen Buttercup as the name for the older bunny, who looked about 6 months and was very underweight, and Dandelion and Clover for the other 2 babies. Thankfully mum fell in love when she saw them all too! We had an empty guinea pig hutch, which they went into overnight, then next day we went out and bought the biggest hutches we could find. They turned out to be all boys, and for a while they lived in pairs as Blackberry & Clover and Buttercup & Dandelion, meeting up every day to play.

After they were neutered we decided not to have them as a foursome - Blackberry was a bolshie little 'un, despite his tiny size, and wanted to be top bun. Dandelion also wanted to be top bun. Buttercup was in fact the top ranking bunny, and was the only one who could keep any control over Blackberry, so they went together as a pair. Dandelion and Clover went well together - Dandelion could be top bunny as Clover was only interested in food!

Their accommodation has grown over the years. The hutches moved into an aviary set up, which has gradually transformed into more of a shed than an aviary. I'd still like bigger.....

Sadly Blackberry passed away shortly before he was 2 - he had terrible teeth, and needed frequent dentals. He passed away from complications under GA. He was my soul bunny, and I still miss him terribly. He changed my life.

Buttercup, Dandelion & Clover are all still doing well - Clo has a delicate tummy, and has had one dental, but thankfully all is well apart from that :)

They are my Boys, and I loves them :)

Blackberry & Dandelion as babies

Buttercup (front) Clover and Dandelion

Baby Blackberry
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Re: A chance to win a £20 Hay Experts voucher

Post by hurricanhoney »

I started off by fostering Diego for Jane Dexter. He had been through 2 rescues who had both attempted to bond him several time but without success. He had an offer of a home but then bit a child so that fell through. I fostered him for about 1 year before I decided to take him on myself as he had no interest and he had settled in so well and felt it was unfair for him to be moved on. I wouldn't have been able to part with him. He is such a gorgeous boy I do not understand why nobody wanted him.

He's roughly six years old and a big boy. He lives in a playhouse attached run and loves to look out for me in the morning on his room with a view. I see his little face looking out the window at me and it makes me smile.

He likes to run free range around the garden and visit all the other bunnies. He especially likes Misty and has a chat through the run with her. He likes to prune my plants especially my violas.

He's such a shy boy but does love a cuddle and brush when he has a mega moult.

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Re: A chance to win a £20 Hay Experts voucher

Post by sdf76 »

Apache, Blackberry and Hurricanhoney- lovely to hear your stories of how you first got your bunnies. :)
sue :)
Coco my 13yr old (bridge) bunny
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Re: A chance to win a £20 Hay Experts voucher

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

Thank you to those that have taken time to enter, only 2 more days to go :)

It's lovely to hear about rescue bunnies, I think Dodger should do the honours and choose a winner :)
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Re: A chance to win a £20 Hay Experts voucher

Post by yaretzi »

Are we able to enter this if we didn't officially adopt from a rescue? I originally got my two from someone who was going to dump them out into the park near my college. I'm assuming we aren't allowed to enter but I thought I'd ask!
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