Mouse - Suspected EC

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Mouse - Suspected EC

Post by *Red* »

Hi all,

Hope everybody & bun is well. I’m sorry I’ve not been more active recently, work is still extremely busy and access to the net is limited at the moment at home – my dongle is crap.

Anyway, a couple of you may have seen on Facebook, but Mouse is currently not well, with suspected EC :(
I spent the early part of this week in Zurich for work, and arrived home Wednesday evening. While I was away, I had a friend flat & rabbit sit the girls, while Mickey is currently away being bonded.

Without waffling too much, I ended up at the emergency vets late Monday. Both girls seemed quiet when I got home and went in to see them, and neither ate their pellets when I put their bowl down. Mouse seemed to deteriorate rapidly (not being able to easily get out of their litter tray which is a shallow under-bed storage box) and I didn’t want to leave her until the following morning. She was uncomfortable on her back legs, taking one or two hops at a time, and sitting awkwardly. She wasn’t eating and seemed unusually quiet, allowing me to sit her on my lap while I was on the floor, which never happens unless I have food! Her eyes weren’t bright and she didn’t have the wide-eyed inquisitive look she normally has.

Anyway, while the night vet was fairly thorough, he wasn’t an ‘exotic vet’ and gave her some Metacam suggesting she might have taken a tumble or landed funny when jumping from something in their room and pulled a muscle or something to that effect. He suggested it may be a neurological issue but suggested we wait overnight to see if the Metacam improved things.

Yesterday morning she was worse. We went straight to the vets when they opened for day surgery. Unfortunately neither William or the other rabbit specialist were in, however the guy I did see was great. After testing her glucose levels, and checking her over nose to tail, he asked that they keep her in to take x-rays to see if she had any limb damage to her legs or spine that wasn’t detectable by checking normally, and would take blood work to check for EC. According to my vet, E. Cuniculi is diagnosed by a blood test that is not part of routine blood-work and while I had a bit of a panic about her having bloods taken, I was assured that they would only carry this out if truly necessary. In the meantime they would get her treatment started on Panacur and would syringe feed her throughout the day – I can’t remember the name of it, but the high fibre paste-like food.

She was separated from Mango in error (mine, mainly) for a couple of hours but Mango was promptly taken to the vets where they were very happy to see each other and Mango was started on Panacur treatment as well.

I called throughout the day, and she was fine. She was taking the food paste from a spoon so she seemed to like that! And she was passing poops. She came round from her mild sedation following her x-rays and was comfortable. It seems Mouse is slightly anaemic, the vet said that’s common when a rabbit develops an illness.

Prior to collecting them both last night, I left work early and set about disinfecting their room, cleaning everything thoroughly and setting them up a pen in the corner of the room, lined with towels and blankets making sure everything was cosy. I replaced their normal litter tray with a large dog basket meaning the lip was low enough for Mouse to not really have to jump into to have access to hay, and made sure they had a big hidey area for them. Collected an annoyed looking Mango and a very sad Mouse about 7.30pm.

I managed to get Mouse to eat some grated apple and a few apple leaves, however she won’t touch carrot or any of her other favourite vegs. This morning both ate some fresh bramble leaves and half a carrot treat each. Neither will eat their pellets as they are, but Mango happily munched away on mashed pellet. Both had their Panacur dosage, and Mouse is on .5ml of Baytril for the next 10 days, twice daily.

I have been given some of the food powder to make into a paste, so depending on how she is tonight, I’ll make some of that up. I’ve bought a nice selection of herbs today so I’m hoping that will win her over.

Until the results come back re: EC, that’s all we really have to go on. What I’m wondering is, what else it may be? She’s not showing any signs of statis, diarrhoea, she’s not developed a head tilt. She’s just very huddled up, and looks thoroughly miserable and sleepy :(
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Re: Mouse - Suspected EC

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

Sorry to hear Mouse is unwell, but it sounds like she's on the best course of treatment with the Panacur, if it's suspected E.C it needs to be a 28 day course.
The Metacam will help with any inflammation as well as give pain relief :)

Sending loads of speedy recovery vibes for Mouse x
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Re: Mouse - Suspected EC

Post by kermit »

My Inca had EC and associated hind leg weakness. It was horrible to deal with :(

The panacur and Metacam should hopefully help quickly. Fingers crossed xx
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Re: Mouse - Suspected EC

Post by *Red* »

You've mentioned Metacam, I've unfortunately not been given any - and did ask last night if she could have some but they said there was no need.

Should I persist in asking for some?
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Re: Mouse - Suspected EC

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

*Red* wrote:You've mentioned Metacam, I've unfortunately not been given any - and did ask last night if she could have some but they said there was no need.

Should I persist in asking for some?
I would insist on having some Metacam, a rabbit in pain will not eat (sorry I thought she was already on it) :(
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Re: Mouse - Suspected EC

Post by *Red* »

She had the injection Wednesday evening, and had some yesterday I believe while at the vets, but has been sent home with Panacur and Baytril (you know what I mean if I'm misprounced that) only.
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Re: Mouse - Suspected EC

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

*Red* wrote:She had the injection Wednesday evening, and had some yesterday I believe while at the vets, but has been sent home with Panacur and Baytril (you know what I mean if I'm misprounced that) only.
I think you need to find out what they gave her at the vets, pain relief is always the number one thing to give them in my opinion, she may already have had it via an injection, but you need to be sure :)
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Re: Mouse - Suspected EC

Post by sdf76 »

EC doesn't always present with all the classic symptoms and it's better to start the 28day course of Panacur than to wait until blood tests results. Blood tests are called titre tests I believe and are done 2 weeks apart. (Metacam is an anti-inflammatory and also used as a pain-killer).

Many buns will have been in contact with EC but it does not necessarily affect them, I guess like many of us would have come into contact with say..tonsillitis even though we may never have had it. Just as Tonsillitis can be varied in severity from a couple of days with a bad throat to needing hospitalisation for quinsy, in the same way some rabbits EC symptoms may be severe while others may be mild. It seems hind leg weakness to some degree often presents as the first symptom I think ( though it does not mean all hind limb weakness is EC).

so a positive 1st blood test result does not necessarily mean the rabbit has EC, just that they have some antibodies to it which means they have met up with it at some point.

The 2nd blood test shows the % increase rise in the antibody level since the first test- if this is great, it shows the rabbit has EC. (I once looked after a rabbit with EC and the reading of the first blood test antibodies was so great it was confirmed as EC and Panacur started).
Panacur given early can, I believe, halt the EC.

You have started the Panacur straight away which is good. :)
sending vibes for a speedy recovery for Mouse. :)
sue :)
Mouse may be a little off her food due to the anaesthetic but should soon perk up.
Last edited by sdf76 on 17 Aug 2012 15:05, edited 1 time in total.
Coco my 13yr old (bridge) bunny
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Re: Mouse - Suspected EC

Post by *Red* »

sdf76 wrote:EC doesn't always present with all the classic symptoms and it's better to start the 28day course of Panacur than to wait until blood tests results. Blood tests are called titre tests I believe and are done 2 weeks apart. (Metacam is an anti-inflammatory and also used as a pain-killer).

Many buns will have been in contact with EC but it does not necessarily affect them, I guess like many of us would have come into contact with say..tonsillitis even though we may never have had it. Just as Tonsillitis can be varied in severity from a couple of days with a bad throat to needing hospitalisation for quinsy, in the same way some rabbits EC symptoms may be severe while others may be mild. It seems hind leg weakness to some degree often presents as the first symptom I think.

so a positive 1st blood test result does not necessarily mean the rabbit has EC, just that they have some antibodies to it which means they have met up with it at some point.

The 2nd blood test shows the % increase rise in the antibody level since the first test- if this is great, it shows the rabbit has EC. (I once looked after a rabbit with EC and the reading of the first blood test antibodies was so great it was confirmed as EC and Panacur started).
Panacur given early can, I believe, halt the EC, but it is much more difficult to treat when all the classic symptoms like head- tilt appear.

You have started the Panacur straight away which is good. :)
sending vibes for a speedy recovery for Mouse. :)
sue :)
Mouse may be a little off her food due to the anaesthetic but should soon perk up.

Thanks Sue. I have done quite a bit of reading up since yesterday, but still, it's good to read it again.

I've just requested to speak to William, my vet who is in today but he's currently in theatre, so I've been told to call back at 5pm if he's not called me by then and I'll have a chat about what was done yesterday and ask to collect some Metacam tonight to use going forward.

I've got a complete breakdown at home of what was done yesterday and what she was given but to be completely honest my brain's gone to mush at the moment.

Looking forward to having a nice night in tonight and spending some quiet time with the girls. Anxious to get home actually, could have done with not being in work today.
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Re: Mouse - Suspected EC

Post by sdf76 »

I edited the one part as I have no personal experience of head tilt so thought I should stick to my own personal experiences.
sue :)
Mouse is on the best treatment with the Panacur. :)
sue :)
Coco my 13yr old (bridge) bunny
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