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Re: Hello bunny friends

Posted: 22 Feb 2012 20:04
by Apache
Excellent - Alfred said he's on his way :D He muttered something about looking forwards to some guy talk...

Re: Hello bunny friends

Posted: 23 Feb 2012 19:53
by Foofy
Hello Dodger from Peter Rabbit, Buttons and Casper. We don't have any carrot juice our mummy never gets any for us :( she does get us big stalks of curly Kale from the greengrocers though :)

Dodger, Casper here my Mummy has been talking to me and saying I have to have my little plums taken away at the scary place do you know what she means? :( I hope it's not too horrible :(

Re: Hello bunny friends

Posted: 23 Feb 2012 21:04
by Dodger
Hello Casper,

Don't worry because you are only a little bit sore and if the lady vet is a good one she gives you the yummy honey flavoured medicine to bring home, but you have to pretend not to like it and try to look a little upset, then your mummy will give you lots of treats too ;)

I had me teefs out at the same time because I didn't need them either, so I got double treats, because mummy was feeling very guilty :))

Harry had his plums removed and he kept looking for them for days, he never did find them =))


The vet gave my teef to my mummy so she could show them to everyone, I hope she didn't give her me plums too :ymblushing:

Re: Hello bunny friends

Posted: 24 Feb 2012 16:52
by poppymoon
Dodger wrote:Hello Casper,

Don't worry because you are only a little bit sore and if the lady vet is a good one she gives you the yummy honey flavoured medicine to bring home, but you have to pretend not to like it and try to look a little upset, then your mummy will give you lots of treats too ;)

I had me teefs out at the same time because I didn't need them either, so I got double treats, because mummy was feeling very guilty :))

Harry had his plums removed and he kept looking for them for days, he never did find them =))


The vet gave my teef to my mummy so she could show them to everyone, I hope she didn't give her me plums too :ymblushing:

poor harry!!! =)) =))

Re: Hello bunny friends

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 12:56
by Foofy
Dodger wrote:Hello Casper,

Don't worry because you are only a little bit sore and if the lady vet is a good one she gives you the yummy honey flavoured medicine to bring home, but you have to pretend not to like it and try to look a little upset, then your mummy will give you lots of treats too ;)

I had me teefs out at the same time because I didn't need them either, so I got double treats, because mummy was feeling very guilty :))

Harry had his plums removed and he kept looking for them for days, he never did find them =))

The vet gave my teef to my mummy so she could show them to everyone, I hope she didn't give her me plums too :ymblushing:
Hello Dodger,
It's Casper here sorry it's taken me a long time to reply but I've been running around my garden :) thanks for the info about plums I hope I get some of the nice tasting medicine too.
My lady vet put this metal thing in my mouth to check my teefs she said they looked OK so I don't think they will take my teefs out. I didn't like having the metal think in my mouth. I am very frightened when I go to the scary place, mummy calls it the vets. Mummy says it's because I was born in a bunny burrow in another hoomans garden and didn't see my first hooman till I was nealy all growed up. I am so scared when I go to the vets I get to sit on the floor and my mummy, the lady vet and lady nurse all have to sit on the floor with me, I am too scared to go on the big table thing once I was so scared I ran away and hid in a corner.
Sorry to hear Harry didn't find his plums and I like the picture of him looking for them. My Mummy told me she seed the picture of your teefs I hope you can eat all right without them?
Lots of love from Casper :x

Re: Hello bunny friends

Posted: 25 Feb 2012 21:29
by Dodger
Glad you've been having fun in the garden Casper, it's nice when the suns shining, hope you did lots of binkys :D

There are 3 other gummy bunnies here, we can all eat our hay and pellets but mummy cuts up the veggies into small pieces for us :D

The vets can be a scary place, but you have to remember they are helping to make you better, it sounds like they are nice people too, especially if they sit on the floor with you. The lady has to hold me tight because I get very dizzy and spin around if I get picked up, I'm okay when I'm on the table, but they can't always check me so I have to be held, I don't like it and I don't have to go very often, because it upsets me :(

Harry still looks for his plums, he finks they will grow back because one of his teefs have, I need to have a buck to buck talk to him :-\

Re: Hello bunny friends

Posted: 27 Feb 2012 19:50
by Foofy
Dodger wrote:Glad you've been having fun in the garden Casper, it's nice when the suns shining, hope you did lots of binkys :D

There are 3 other gummy bunnies here, we can all eat our hay and pellets but mummy cuts up the veggies into small pieces for us :D

The vets can be a scary place, but you have to remember they are helping to make you better, it sounds like they are nice people too, especially if they sit on the floor with you. The lady has to hold me tight because I get very dizzy and spin around if I get picked up, I'm okay when I'm on the table, but they can't always check me so I have to be held, I don't like it and I don't have to go very often, because it upsets me :(

Harry still looks for his plums, he finks they will grow back because one of his teefs have, I need to have a buck to buck talk to him :-\
Hello Doger Casper here again, Yes I did do some Binkys in the garden and also dug a few little sample holes for Mummy to look at :)) :))
I am pleased to hear that you and the other gummy bunnies can eat your grub OK, you have a nice Mummy to cut up your veg in little pieces.
I'm sorry to hear you get dizzy a lot :( I will try and be braver next time I got to scary place like you.
Oh dear fancy Harry's teef growing back did it have to be taken out again? I don't think Harry will find his plums now after all this time, poor Harry :(

Re: Hello bunny friends

Posted: 27 Feb 2012 21:13
by susie bun
Spenser: Did someone mention curly kale on this thread? Tell my Mummy to put it on her shopping list. She has been trying to fob me off with all manner of unacceptable substitutes. X(

Re: Hello bunny friends

Posted: 29 Feb 2012 20:01
by Apache
Alfred: Spenser - accept nothing less, these hoomans need to know who's boss, I tend to find ankle nipping, and looking really miserable in alternatives really helps. Plus also try looking at the sad offeringss and ignoring them.... they gets them nicely worried ;)

Re: Hello bunny friends

Posted: 29 Feb 2012 20:04
by susie bun
Apache wrote:Alfred: Spenser - accept nothing less, these hoomans need to know who's boss, I tend to find ankle nipping, and looking really miserable in alternatives really helps. Plus also try looking at the sad offeringss and ignoring them.... they gets them nicely worried ;)
Thank you. I will do that. Mummy is feeling guilty about me becuase I had a huge matt in my mane last night. To be fair, I run away and hide everytime she picks up my comb, but the matt was getting to be a bit uncomfortable so I have allowed her to sort it out.

You'd think hoomans would have worked out an easier way of getting matts out of manes by now.