Could Dodger have vibes please - update another seizure

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Re: Could Dodger have vibes please

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

sdf76 wrote:
Hunnybunny2007 wrote:I spoke too soon :(

Dodger had another seizure last night, this one lasted longer :( This morning he seems to be his normal self and couldn't wait for breakfast, he's now under the dining room table which is his favourite place :(

He's adapted well to not having the full use of his back paws and can get around very quickly (especially when he knows there's a treat or food available :)
I'm so sorry to hear Dodger has had another seizure. :(
He probably doesn't know anything about it at the time :) ( most people don't) so he's not suffering during a seizure but of course it looks scary for you. He won't be in pain as he's on the metacam :) and they cope well with leg problems.

.. you just have to make sure his surroundings are soft so he can't injure himself, which I'm sure you do..
I remember once when bunlover was on holiday and I was minding Dora ,bunlover said.. if she has a seizure don't touch her or you'll make it worse...she'll come out of it and wonder where she is for a few minutes then will go on as normal. Dora was having 1 seizure every 4-6 weeks at that time and as she had just had one we didn't expect her to have another in the next fortnight so I had made no special provision.

....but Dora had a seizure in my rockery :( and I was initially frantically trying to put my hands under her fast moving head so she wouldn't crack her head, so I had to pick her up, her limbs flailing and put her on the lawn where she could roll and thrash about safely.

Dora used to lose control of her bladder during a seizure so you would have to gently wash her later but you had to be really careful washing her or she would fit again.

Is it the 28day course of panacur that Dodger has?

I do hope the extra meds will help.

sue :)

I tend to stroke him (if possible) and talk to him gently, when he comes out of it he licks the carpet or me if my hand is still near him :) Dolly leaves him to get on with it and sits close by watching him, it is more frightening for me than him, as within a few minutes he's back to himself.

He's still on Metacam but the other meds finished last week, I'm at the vets tomorrow with one of the other bunnies, so I'm going to ask if we can try something else, I don't really want to take him, because it can stress him out :(

He's been under the table most of the morning, I worry that he's still been having them, but because no one is here during the day we won't have known about them :(

SDF, did Dora make noises, he tends to whimper/cry (not scream thank goodness) which really upsets me :( It's usually this noise that alerts us to the fact he's having one :(
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Re: Could Dodger have vibes please - update another seizure

Post by sdf76 »

I can't recall if Dora made noises before a seizure or not? I don't think so?... I will ask bunlover... i guess that bunnies are like people ... they all have their own individual others may show other signs before a seizure or none at all.

Before she ever had any fits and later when she started having her seizures too ( I mean it was nothing to do with the seizures)
Dora did used to make grunting noises as a call to Arthur for "lurve" :ymblushing: which we found odd! :ymblushing: :)) I could scarcely believe it at first when bunlover told me but sure enough- Dora would grunt and Arth would come running! :ymblushing: :))

Yeah - it frightened the life out of me :-s the first time I saw Dora have a seizure ( which was that day on the rockery).. bunlover had told me that Dora had seizures but I had no idea of the severity of the movements Dora would make, nor how long it would does make you feel very helpless. :(

I would just make sure that Dodger's surroundings are soft if you are worried about him having a seizure when you're out.
sue :ymhug:
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Re: Could Dodger have vibes please - update another seizure

Post by Apache »

Poor Dodger :-(

Will send lots of vibes for the brave chap x
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Re: Could Dodger have vibes please - update another seizure

Post by bunlover »

To be truthful i cant remember her making any noises but she may have done its been a number of years since we lost her now, the seizures did become more frequent with dora over a long ish period of time and did also take her longer to recover from them i managed her with baytril and gentle baths when needed. I also found lifting her up towards the.end could set off a fit and tried to keep her on one levl when possible huge vibes.
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Re: Could Dodger have vibes please - update another seizure

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

bunlover wrote:To be truthful i cant remember her making any noises but she may have done its been a number of years since we lost her now, the seizures did become more frequent with dora over a long ish period of time and did also take her longer to recover from them i managed her with baytril and gentle baths when needed. I also found lifting her up towards the.end could set off a fit and tried to keep her on one levl when possible huge vibes.
I try not to lift him, because he soon becomes disorientated due to the head tilt, I was checking his bottom a few weeks ago and noticed that he was becoming stressed :(
He free ranges most of the day, but he has decided that his favourite place is under the table, I've bough puppy pads and put down for him, I also use them on top of the vet bed to help keep him dry, he's such a darling, he'll come over to me and nudge my feet, in the hope I will give him a treat, which of course I do :) ..........How could I say no to such a cute face :x
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Re: Could Dodger have vibes please - update another seizure

Post by Apache »

Vibes to the adorable Dodger :x
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Re: Could Dodger have vibes please - update another seizure

Post by susie bun »

Haven't be logged on for a while, but continuing vibes for Dodger. :x
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Re: Could Dodger have vibes please - update another seizure

Post by Foofy »

Sending loads of vibes for Dodger :x :x :x :x how is he doing now?
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Re: Could Dodger have vibes please - update another seizure

Post by Hunnybunny2007 »

He's adapted quite well to his new disability, although he drags his back paws, he can move very quickly :)
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Re: Could Dodger have vibes please - update another seizure

Post by Foofy »

Hunnybunny2007 wrote:He's adapted quite well to his new disability, although he drags his back paws, he can move very quickly :)
So glad to hear he is OK and getting around OK :D :D :x :x
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