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Belated update from Halfpenny.

Posted: 12 Sep 2021 18:42
by Halfpenny
Sorry I’ve not been on for a while, I haven’t had the heart to post as we’ve had a difficult time.
We had to say goodbye to Corrie, our 15 year old collie, Treelo our teenage sheep and Scarlet out 13 year old pig. We also lost Oor Willie, the guinea pig with heart failure and Magpie, a guinea pig who was on treatment for an abdominal issue.
On top of this we had a leak in the water tank and part of our living room ceiling has fallen in.
It’s not been an easy time to stay cheerful, however we have taken in a dumped goose, 10 sheep, 4 budgie, 2 hamsters and a guinea pig.
Bernard, a dental bunny and Little Clanger, the skinny pig were both castrated and hopefully this month we with get Dusty Springfield, another dental bunny, spayed. Getting them into the vet at convenient times is not easy, even with me working there, it’s so busy with so many people who have gotten and are still getting pets.
The vets used a new procedure for castrating guinea pigs, they opened a small hole, where a belly button would be and pulled his testicles out of that hole. He was stitched up, and I have to say recovered very quickly. Certainly in the times I’ve had Guineas castrated, they are prone to abscesses and this seems to be a much better method to avoid this. I plan to get him bonded with some girls this week.
Scotland has introduced new legislation for breeders of dogs, cats and rabbits as well as rescues and sanctuaries. I’m not sure how much it is going to cost and we are trying so sort out all the requirements we need to fulfil. It’s a good thing, but more work and money, which we don’t really need at the moment. Anyway, thank you again for supporting us and helping us to keep looking after the rabbits and guinea pigs.