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I think I'm losing Phoebe....

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 22:36
by Halfpenny
And it's my fault.
I've fought so hard to get Phoebe diagnosed and then treated for an enlarged heart, and then screwed up by giving her spring greens, she's a guinea pig.
She has been doing well, taking her meds and last night I gave thenspring greens, they've had them before and everybody else was fine, but Phoebe had diarrhoea this morning.
I rushed her to the vets,she's had metacam, antibiotics, fibre pled and sub cut fluids, but when I gave her more fluids this evening she felt cold. She's in a warm room and hasn't eaten anything, and her father died after a bought of diarrhoea 2 years ago.
I feel so very bad, what if I lose her.

Re: I think I'm losing Phoebe....

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 23:32
by Hunnybunny2007
Sending lots of vibes for Phoebe, could it be something hereditary from her father, rather than the Spring greens?

Re: I think I'm losing Phoebe....

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 02:12
by Halfpenny
I don't know, I just don't understand.
I just been up to check her, she's still with us but is very uncomfortable. I seem to have no luck with sick piggies, no matter how hard I try. I'll check her again at 5.

Re: I think I'm losing Phoebe....

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 05:51
by Honey61
How is Pheobe this morning?
Have everything crossed that she is more comfortable x

Re: I think I'm losing Phoebe....

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 06:56
by Halfpenny
She's gone. It's my fault, I shouldn't be doing this. What is happening with my animals, what am I doing wrong?

Re: I think I'm losing Phoebe....

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 07:36
by Hunnybunny2007
Halfpenny wrote:She's gone. It's my fault, I shouldn't be doing this. What is happening with my animals, what am I doing wrong?
I'm so sorry Louise :( You are still one in a million and doing a fantastic job, you have over 100 animals in your care, where would they be without you? I can't imagine how you must feel emotionally when you lose one, but try to focus on all the ones that you have helped x

Sending you loads of hugs Louise x Popcorn free Phoebe at the bridge x

Re: I think I'm losing Phoebe....

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 15:02
by sdf76
Halfpenny wrote:She's gone. It's my fault, I shouldn't be doing this. What is happening with my animals, what am I doing wrong?
I'm so sorry Phoebe didn't make it. :(

It's quite likely she had some hereditary condition- whenever anyone takes on a pet they do so without knowing the medical ancestry.
You really mustn't feel the way you do, (though we all blame ourselves (wrongly) at times of grief).
You took on a sick animal and cared for them but sadly they didn't make it, that's not your fault. How much worse would Phoebe's life had been if she hadn't known any love and care?- you gave her love and care in her short life. Most guinea pigs would not have been ill when given greens, so she obviously had something else wrong with her digestion- you could not possibly know that -so please, please hear me when I say it's NOT your fault.

You aren't doing anything wrong, as all those animals you've saved will testify.
sue x

Re: I think I'm losing Phoebe....

Posted: 12 Aug 2012 16:18
by hurricanhoney
So sorry Louise :(